Subsonic means "slower than the speed of sound" so a subsonic bullet is any bullet that travels slower than the speed of sound.
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Subsonic speed refers to speeds below the speed of sound in a medium. In water, the speed of sound is higher than in air, so typical speeds of objects moving through water are considered subsonic.
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subsonic is moving below the speed of sound, supersonic is faster than speed of sound
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Subsonic means any speed below the speed of sound. (Mach 1). So subsonic aircraft range from 0 - 661 knots at sea level. (Mach 1 is 661 knots at sea level.)
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No, traveling at subsonic speed means moving at a speed slower than the speed of sound in air. It does not involve being underwater.
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Transonic speeds are when an object is moving near the speed of sound, experiencing a mix of subsonic and supersonic airflow. Subsonic speeds are when an object is moving at speeds below the speed of sound. At transonic speeds, airflow can become unpredictable, leading to effects like shock waves and buffeting.
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One half the speed of sound. This is subsonic.
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The main difference is the speed of the object in relation to the speed of sound. Subsonic refers to speeds slower than the speed of sound, while supersonic refers to speeds faster than the speed of sound. In the case of supersonic speeds, objects are traveling faster than the speed at which sound waves propagate in the medium.
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The term subsonic can refer to speed that's lower than the speed of sound. In computer terms, this could mean an open source media server or refer to programming code.
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If accelerating to the speed of sound, the subsonic.
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A subsonic aircraft flies below the speed of sound, so it does not break the sound barrier. A sonic boom is created when an object travels at or above the speed of sound, causing a buildup and release of pressure waves that result in a loud noise. Since a subsonic aircraft does not exceed the speed of sound, it does not generate a sonic boom.
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You could use "hypersonic." It is not a precise synonym, as subsonic is below the threshhold of hearing, whereas hypersonic would be above it. Supersonic would refer to velocity faster than the speed of sound, whereas subsonic also refers to velocities slower than those of the speed of sound.
Sonic velocities are a consideration in jet aircraft design and with bullets and marksmanship. Subsonic rifle bullets tend to be more accurate than hypersonic ones
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The correct term for this is subsonic, not infrasonic. And yeah, I wouldn't want to go above the speed of sound in a hang glider! So, yes, they fly subsonic.
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0,72 Mach is a subsonic speed.
Mach number = speed of an object/speed of sound
The speed of sound in dry air at 20 0C is 1 236 km/h.
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In subsonic flow, the flow velocity is less than the speed of sound. This means that disturbances in the flow cannot travel faster than the speed of sound, preventing the formation of shock waves. Without the necessary conditions for shock wave formation, subsonic flow remains smooth and continuous.
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A subsonic aircraft does not produce a sonic boom because it is flying at a speed below the speed of sound, which is around 767 mph (1,235 km/h). A sonic boom is created when an object travels at or faster than the speed of sound, causing a sudden build-up of pressure waves that are heard as a loud noise.
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The speed of sound in air is 343 m/s, which converts to 1234 km/h.
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It is a bullet for a .22 caliber rifle which is very quiet as the bullet travels slower than the speed of sound
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Yes, it is the transition from subsonic to supersonic and then back that causes the sound.
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The word you are looking for is "subsonic." This term describes speeds that are slower than the speed of sound.
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Subsonic flow in fluid dynamics refers to flow where the speed of the fluid is less than the speed of sound. Characteristics include smooth and predictable flow patterns, low pressure gradients, and the absence of shock waves. Applications include aircraft design, ventilation systems, and automotive aerodynamics.
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Subsonic - media server - was created on 2005-02-10.
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speeds lower than the speed of sound is known as the subsonic speed. speeds greater than the speed of sound is supersonic (mach 1) and speeds that are many times above the speed of sound (above mach 0) are known as hypersonic sounds.
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The Backstreet Boys.
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Subsonic flow is commonly used in various engineering applications, such as in the design of aircraft wings, wind turbines, and ventilation systems. Understanding subsonic flow is crucial for optimizing the performance and efficiency of these systems.
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At subsonic speeds air acts like a fluid and Bernoulli's principals apply,
at supersonic speeds, air acts like a gas (it's compressed). At subsonic speed, air speed increases with a decrease in area and vice versa. Above the sound barrier, air speed decreases with a decrease in area. This does not seem logical or intuitive. As the subsonice air flow through test chamber at near speed of sound and the area decreases at the nozzle, the airflow increases and a shock wave developes. Aft of the shock wave, the air is now supersonic. Then as the nozzle opens wider, the flow continues to increase in speed until a time when the pressure is insufficient to support the flow---then another shock waves developes as the flow drops back to sub-sonic.
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The speed of a nuclear weapon can vary depending on the type and method of delivery. In ballistic missiles, nuclear warheads can reach speeds of Mach 20 or more as they re-enter the atmosphere. Upon detonation, the shockwave and radiation from a nuclear explosion can travel at the speed of light.
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Weird Connections - 2008 The Subsonic Chicken was released on:
USA: 17 March 2009
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Subsonic frequency refers to sound waves with frequencies lower than the speed of sound, typically below 20 Hz. Hypersonic refers to objects moving at speeds faster than five times the speed of sound, which is greater than Mach 5.
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The maximum cruise speed of a Boeing 747-400 is approximately 570 mph (490 knots).
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Subsonic sounds can affect internal organs. Once that is established the mental effects will be clear too.
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The speed of a cruise missile can vary depending on the type and model, but generally, they can travel at speeds ranging from subsonic (less than the speed of sound) to supersonic (faster than the speed of sound). Some cruise missiles can travel at speeds exceeding 600 mph.
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Another term for this is infrasonic, and it means pertaining to below hearing. There natural frequencies that humans can hear which are high: 20,000 Hz and low: 20 Hz. An average human cannot hear sounds below the frequency of 20 Hz. That is subsonic. Subsonic is a term also applied to aircraft that travel at speeds less than the speed of sound. Supersonic means it travels faster than the speed of sound.
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which airfoil must produce the lift with less than one mach number . that is
called sub sonic airfoil......
Another answer would be : an airfoil designed to perform below the speed of sound.
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But remember, at supersonic speeds air is compressible in action,
whereas it ACTS like a non-compressible fluid at subsonic speeds.
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Subsonic signals are audio frequencies that are below the range of human hearing, typically below 20 Hz. These signals are commonly used in applications such as audio production and seismic monitoring.
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Lower critical mach number may be defined as the highest subsonic mach number below which the entire flow over it is subsonic. vijayaprakaash
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No. Some rounds are naturally subsonic (such as the .45 ACP), some tend to be borderline (such as the .22 LR), and some available in reduced loadings to make them subsonic.
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The original line-up of Subsonic Symphonee from 1999 (Jack Zee, John Zak and Tian Jay) are now Earthling777
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No, sound waves with frequencies higher than 20,000 Hz are referred to as ultrasonic waves, not subsonic waves. Subsonic waves are sound waves with frequencies lower than 20 Hz.
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No, commercial passenger aircraft are designed to avoid creating sonic booms by maintaining subsonic speeds. Sonic booms are produced when an aircraft exceeds the speed of sound (approximately 767 mph at sea level), which is not typical for commercial flights.
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This statement is incorrect. Sound waves with frequencies higher than 20000 Hz are referred to as ultrasonic waves, not subsonic waves. Subsonic waves have frequencies lower than the audible range.
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